2019/05/19 21:35

なぜそんな疑問がふと浮かんだかというとローデシアンをアルファベットで表記するとRhodesianとかなり特殊な綴り方であるからだ。ん?hはなんで読まないんか?(笑)と僕の中で引っかかっていた。その特殊な綴りからどこかの地名かなんかであろうと思ったので、グーグルで”Rhodesia”と検索してみた。するとなぜか「ジンバブエ」と検索候補に挙がってくる。そこでジンバブエをググってみるとジンバブエの旧国名が「南ローデシア」であることが判明した。どうやら現在のザンビア及びジンバブエあたりはかつてローデシアと言う地名がついていたらしい。これはセシル・ローズ(Cecil John Rhodes)がその名の由来で、彼は、現在の南アフリカでダイヤモンドの採掘で儲けたのをきっかけに植民地首相になった人物である。
Why do we call it Rhodesian?
*This article is based on writer’s prejudice. I would like to recommend you to read just for fun.
There are lots of shapes in, so called, factory made pipes. For example, billiard, oom-paul price and etc. my favourite shape is Rhodesian Bent. Because it’s easy to grab it and I love its simently, beautiful and artistic figure. Especially, I like Chacom’s Rhodesian Bent Marseilles series. One day I just wondered, while smoking SG’s Golden Glow, why Rhodesian bent is called Rhodesian bent.
The reason why I was thinking about that is that it was so much unusual spell to white “h” even though never pronounce it. Then I had decided to google it. Then words “Zimbabwe” appeared in search suggestions. So I googled Zimbabwe and found that Zimbabwe was called south- Rhodesian or Zimbabwe Rhodesia. It was named after Cecil Rhodes who was a prime minister and famous for his success of excavation of diamonds in South- Africa.
What does the shape of this bowl look like? For us, as Japanese, It looks like Abacus however most of people think that it looks like a diamond. At that time, diamond reminded them of Cecil Rhodes I guess. So…one day, when a guy see the pipe, he probably thought that it was so “Rhodes-ian”. That’s why we call Rhodesian bent today.