2019/10/20 11:43
They will be available at our shop soon I guess! Robert McConnel heritage series! Let's figure out origin of each name based on my prejudice part 2 ;-) I would like to think about my favourite blend, vaper blend you know, this one! this blog is based on my prejudice and idea so reference purpose only. Here we go!
Regent Street = Elizabethan Mixture
Blend of virginia and perique. It's lil bit strong taste. it feels like spicy pepper in second half.
名前の由来:"Elizabethan"とはエリザベス一世及びエリザベス朝を意味する。イギリスの王朝の名前にすることで商品価値を高めたのではないかと考えられる。一方、"Regent Street"はロンドンで最も有名なショッピングストリート。19世紀初頭に整備されて以来、一度も住居スペースが作られたことがない珍しい大通り。この通りの土地と建物を管理しているのはCrown Estate社で、イギリス王室の不動産を管理する会社である。それゆえこの通りはイギリス王室の関連資産ということになる。イギリスの王朝である"Elizabethan"を連想しやすいようにこの名前にしたのではないか。信じるか信じないかはあなた次第。
Origin of its name: “Elizabethan” is one of the name of dynasty. I guess Dunhill named this blend “Elizabethan” to add value. On the other hand, “Regent Street” is one of the most famous shopping street. It is so unique because there is no residence since government formed this street at the beginning of 19th century. This street, including building and land, is managed by a company named “Crown Estate”, which manages all of royal family’s real estate. Hence this street is one of real estate of royal family. That’s why this blend is named “Regent Street” to make it easier to remember original Elizabethan Mixture.