2019/10/23 09:43
They will be available at our shop soon I guess! Robert McConnel heritage series! Let's figure out origin of each name based on my prejudice part 3 ;-) I would like to think about virginia blend, one of the most popular blend you know, this one! this blog is based on my prejudice and idea so reference purpose only. Are you ready?
Paddington = Royal Yacht
Mixture of several virginia. It's more fine cut than other normal pipe tobacco. It's easy to light up. Lil bit strong but you can feel full taste of sweetness of virginia.
名前の由来:"Royal Yacht"は日本語に直すと、王室のヨットとなる。一方"Paddington"は、ロンドン市内シティ・オブ・ウェストミンスター、南西部の街で、ハイド・パーク及びケンジントン・ガーデンズの北側に位置する。この地区にはセントメアリー病院がある。ウィリアム王子の妻キャサリン妃がジョージ王子を出産した病院として有名。"Paddington"という名前からセントメアリー病院を連想し、王室とゆりかご(ヨットはゆりかごの形を彷彿される??www)をイメージさせることでダンヒル時代の商品名を思い出させるようにしたのではないかと考えられる。
Origin of its name: Paddington is located in city of Westminster, southwest area of London. In Paddington, there is a hospital named St. Mary hospital. As you know, this hospital is famous for birthplace of prince George whose father is prince William. On the other hand, Royal Yacht. Royal means royal family and Yacht means an expensive vessel propelled by sail or power and used for cruising however, don't you think Yacht looks like cradle? That's why this blend is named "Paddington".