2020/06/06 12:19

Let's smoke "About 6 months aged Shakespeare".

ロバートマコンネルのシェイクスピアは、謂わばダンヒルの「ジオールドサイン」(Ye Olde Signe)を再現したもの。と言うのも、製造元であるコールハス(Kohlhase)はかつてダンヒルのパイプたばこを製造していたので、レシピを知っていた様だ。(よって厳密に言えば、最後にダンヒルたばこを製造していたのはSTGなのでその味わいとは異なる可能性が高い。)
このブレンドの甘さは紅茶の甘さと世界観が似ていると思う。そんな世界に魅了されながら無意識にゆったりと吹き戻しをする。すると、そこに通り抜けるややフルーティーな甘さ。どちらかと言うと果実そのものの甘さではない。なんというか、オレンジピールだ。口内に僅かに残った煙を鼻腔から逃がしてもその存在を後の方に感じる。なんというか、さりげない甘さだ。そのさりげなさがまた良い。あとに引かない甘さなので気分転換になる。仕事終わりのハッピーアワーの時と言うよりは、仕事の合間のTea breakにぴったりなたばこだと思う。紅茶を愉しむときはアールグレイが多いが今回はあえてやめておこう。ウバかジャスミンティーを合わせみよう…

This tobacco, Robert McConnel's Shakespeare is a rebirth of Ye Olde Signe from Dunhill. Long time ago, Kohlhase used to produce dunhill pipe tobacco so they know the recipe. (Its taste is different from the original Ye Olde Signe probably, cuz last Ye Olde Signe was made by STG.) 
This tobacco is a blend of virginia. Tin note is like dark chocolate with a hint of milk and… something is a little citrus. "Aging" is like a special time capsule. I should wait patiently for the time, however, I am not good at "patiently waiting". That's why I decided to smoke. This blog is a report of the aging process of pipe tobacco.
 Its colour is darker than last review, I guess it was February I had post review at instagram and facebook…
When light up a bowl, the natural sweetness of virginia on the top, its taste is deeper than the last one. Slow smoking leads to zesty smoke so I take care of the temperature, "tempo" of smoking and blowing are slower than usual.
The sweetness is so similar to English tea for me, however something is different in aftertaste. When I blow, I feel a fruity aroma. It feels like orange peel through my mouth and nose. Its sweetness isn't too sweet, just gentle and lil fresh. I think it's good for tea break, not for "happy hour". I would like to enjoy this tobacco while tea break while working. Normally I often drink Earl Grey but I would like to try uva…or jasmine tea…