2020/05/31 16:24

Sunday in Suzuei -Choo Choo Train-
This blog is about to verify things about pipe tobacco… Part 2 is about…

"Choo Choo Train burns slower than other pipe tobacco"
I bought a tin of Choo choo train which is at least 1 year aged to check its taste. Lil bit over wet but more dry than Samuel Gawith, that's why I decided to do fold and stuff method then pack em into my Marseilles 154 poker.
By the way, I smoke pipe more slowly than normal pipe smokers because I am not good at hot drinks, food and smoke. I smoke ribbon-cut-tobacco with a medium bowl …around 2 hours, a sliced flake for 2 hour and half to 3 hours.

It was 10 and half before going to bed, about to start to smoke pipe while googling tobaccoreviews.com or pipesmagazine.com with my marseilles poker. I love this pipe cuz I can put her on my desk without pipe rest. I took off a few amounts of tobacco from a flake, about 1 mm from the edge, to rub out and put on a top of a bowl. It's easy to light up.

When light up a bowl, the first puff was like magic. In the first half of the puff, sweet vanilla aroma appeared, however soon disappeared like a soap bubble then the sweetness of lil matured virginia on the top. Aftertaste was honey. What a wonderful taste! Thru the first puff to the middle, this wonderful taste persisted.
From the 2nd half, honey taste got weaker but sweetness of virginia became stronger. One hour and half had passed and a half amount of tobacco in the bowl left. Normally, I "consume" ⅔ of tobacco. I puzzled cuz I didn't smoke slowly than normal days as my "night-routine". It was 1:30 am that I finished a bowl.
I thought it was coincidence hence I decided to smoke it next day, with different pipe. I picked Savinelli Roma 614 full bent up. Its bowl is lil bit deeper than other pipes so that I can smoke for a long time. That's why this pipe is one of my favourite. I packed tobacco same as one day before. After all, I standard to light up at 10 and finished 1 am, same result.
I guess the reason why Choo Choo Train burns slowly is its property. This tobacco is little over wet but more dry than Samuel Gawith, more over, density of a flake is middle.
Next blog is about "How to pack and smoke flake tobacco (abnormal-way)" I would like to explain how to pack and smoke flake tobacco in abnormal-way through Choo Choo Train ;-)
Our story continues……