2020/10/11 10:38
The most strong snus fits me.

Siberia White Dry Slim
13 potions/ 1100 yen
Imported by Tsuge Pipe Company.
According to a script in the pack, it contains 42mg nicotine per 1g. This snus is the strongest in the world.

There is yellow paper and it says
"It may cause headache, nausea, dizziness and etc with your constitution."
and "If you are not fully recovered, please take medical advice."
I really love tobacco so much. Not only pipes, or hand rolling tobacco, but also snus. No matter what kind of tobacco, I love strong one. So I decided to try this!

When I open the tin, super strong menthol and cinnamon aroma with natural tobacco flavour take over my nose. If you are a "beginner", you may feel strong nicotine.
I picked up 1 potion and put it between my lip and teeth. Strong menthol hit me. It feels like I am knocked by a sledgehammer! Sometimes "too much cold" makes me feel pain. That's it. This strong menthol visualizes too much cold winter in Siberia (but I haven't visited there though.).
I tried this snus in the evening when I felt sleepy but this made me feel fine.
After around 5 minutes, the menthol taste gets weak. cinnamon flavour gently through my nose, on the other hand, it tastes spicy clove and the natural sweetness of tobacco. It makes me calm. This snus has a story through one potion. It has a deep taste similar to pipe tobacco. Its taste changes from 1st half to second half.
This snus has a great balance. It contains strong nicotine so it has a zesty taste. Aftertaste remains. That's why I take this snus everyday. When I wake up in the morning and stober up when I get too much beer.
I would like to recommend it to you if you like dip tobacco called "Copenhagen". Siberia is lil bit weaker than Copenhagen but it has strong nicotine so enough to feel it. This product is so unique and special. If you are interested in this tobacco, please ask our staff.