2021/10/19 15:18
How to pack flake tobacco~Abnormal way~(Bugles Method)
There are lots of ways to pack flake tobacco. Although they often say that you should pack flake tobacco after rubbing them out, I think it's not the best way to pack flake tobacco. The reason why is that rubbing them out means breaking the "formula" of tobacco. Compared with ribbon cut tobacco, flake tobacco has high density. That's why its taste is stronger.
As you know, if you rub them out then pack into a bowl, you may realize the aroma is noticeable, however, taste mild. As a result, is there any difference between packing ribbon cut tobacco? Furthermore, pieces of sugar crystal may stick to your hands when you rub them out. It's not funny.
Although the "Fold and stuff method" is very famous, in this blog, I would like to introduce how to pack flake tobacco in an abnormal way. I found this method when I was in the 4th grade(twice) in university. Probably, some pipe smokers had already found a way to pack like that…So I don't mean that I am the guy who found this method though. At that time, I named this method "Bugles method".
I really wanted to smoke delicious flake tobacco for such a long time, that's why this method was born.
"Fold and stuff method" has risks. If a piece of flake is thin, it's easy to pack them into a bowl too tight. Then it prevents air, as a result, it's difficult to smoke.
So……Let's learn the Bugles method!
How to pack flake tobacco based on the Bugles method.
①Pick up a pieces of thin flake tobacco. I don't recommend you to use Samuel Gawiths' flake because their flakes are so thick and are dependent on rots. Cornell and Diehl are not recommended either because their flakes are almost broken flake and thick.
So you should use flake tobacco from Kohlhase, STG, Mac Baren, or Dan Tobacco, however, some rots of Dan Tobacco sometimes look like broken flake or ready rubbed flake.
②Pick up a piece of flake which fits medium bowl.
③Peel 3mm from the edge.
④Roll rest of them aslant. Then, it is like a bugles, put into a chamber from the sharp end.
⑤Push them to 50 percent of the bowl. Rub out "peeled one" carefully then, pack them into the top. Pieces of the tobacco are filled 80 to 90 percent of the bowl.
⑥When the fire becomes stable, to use tamper and "tempo" of smoke and blow, control hotspot minimally. Hotspot moves along packed tobacco. It's like the fire steps down though a corkscrew staircase.
The key point is to smoke and blow very slowly and not to tamp down tightly with your tamper.