2022/01/05 15:35
Names are very important to understand. Names show things. Names are one of the identity of the things. However, the most important thing is not the name itself, it's derivation, where the name did come from. Derivation adds value. It's the result of filling their will. Especially tins of pipe tobacco. To understand their derivation, to taste them deeply.
In this blog, I would like to focus on the tins of Markonie's. In last live at our instagram page, while I smoked and reviewed Mysterious Island, Mr. Markonie explained each derivation of Markonie's series. His explanation made me solve a puzzle. I had been puzzled since I smoked Markonie's series, because I felt that each name had no relevance to each other.…
このシリーズの名前の由来を語る上で無視する事が出来ない人物がいる。ジュール・ヴェルヌ氏である。ジュール・ヴェルヌ氏は小説家であり、SFの父と呼ばれている。彼の代表作に「海底2万里」、「神秘の島」がある。海底2万里は、映画及び、東京ディズニーシーのアトラクション、「海底2万マイル」の元となった。また、神秘の島は映画、「センター・オブ・ジ・アース2 神秘の島」の題材となった。
There is a key person to understand derivation of Markonie's series. Legendary writer, the father of Science Fiction, his name is Jule Verne. He wrote lots of novels. In this blog, I would like to focus on "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea" and "Mysterious Island". "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea" is famous for the attraction in Tokyo Disney Sea and the Film. "Mysterious Island" influenced the movie named "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island".
Each name of Markonie's series came from these novels.
・Glorious Mission
It was named after a French professor Pierre Aronnax in "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea".
・The Canadian Temper
It was named after a harpooner from Quebec, his name was Ned Land in "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea". He seemed to be short-tempered and stubborn.
・ミステリアス・アイランド…「神秘の島」より。南北戦争の最中、捕虜となっていた北軍支持者が気球を使い脱出したが、途中で太平洋上に無人島に漂着した。南緯34度57分00秒 西経150度30分00秒に位置するこの島は地図にも載っておらず、他の島とも離れ、航路からもかなり外れた位置にあった…
・Mysterious Island
It was named after the novel named "Mysterious Island". During the Civil War, northern prisoners of the war escaped and then arrived at an unknown island. It was located at 34° 57′ 0″ S, 150° 30′ 0″ W.
It was named after the novel named "Mysterious Island". During the Civil War, northern prisoners escaped by hijacking a hydrogen-filled observation balloon.
According to explanation from Mr. Markonie, there is one more blend called "Mobilis in mobili ''. It's a blend of virginia and flake cut. Unfortunately it is not available in the Japanese market now. I wish Tsuge will start to import this blend.
・Mobilis in mobili
It was named after Captain Nemo from Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Mobilis in mobili is the words on the emblem of the submarine, the Nautilus.