2023/10/17 14:16
Look back at the past for now. Vol. 4
Sometimes it's important to look back at the past. We, humans, learn something from the past then take action. It can keep our motivation to be alive through the memories. To look back is a right for persons who move forward, work hard for the future.
In this blog, I would like to focus on hand rolling tobacco which is no longer available in the Japanese market. This blog is for finding a key to have fun for "our life" right now.
In this blog, I would like to introduce "Domingo Cigar Blend", which its name had changed from "Domingo Black", or "Domingo Negro". In the Japanese market, it was called "Domingo Black". This product was made by a company in Belgium. Around a decade ago, they were acquired by JT International. So JT Imex was their distributor.
This shag was a 40g pouch for a long time. After the acquisition, it was still made in Belgium. Few years ago, Domingo series was produced in JT's Factory in Poland, then changed into 25g pouches. At that time, Domingo Black was called "Domingo Cigar Blend". I was puzzled cuz I thought that Domingo Black was so called Black tobacco, and it's totally different from cigar leaf blend.
ところが、この疑問は思わぬ形で晴れたのである。 先月手巻きたばことしても愉しめる刻みたばこ、「アムステルダマー・ダークバージニア」が新発売となった。前回のブログでも紹介したのだが、このたばこはユニークなブレンドである。バージニア、バーレー、ダークエアキュアド、ダークファイヤードケンタッキーがブレンドされている。改めて説明すると、このダークエアキュアドというたばこ葉は定義としてかなりアバウトなものである。バーレー葉と似ているが、比べるとニコチンが強く、コクがあり、シガーのバインダーやラッパー、パイプたばこ、手巻きたばこ、噛みたばこや嗅ぎたばこに使用される。シガレットで言えば黒たばこと似ているとのこと。場合によって、シガーによく使用されるスマトラ葉、ベスキ葉もこのカテゴリに含まれるのである。
I found a piece to solve the puzzle last month. Kizami tobacco called "Amsterdamer Dark Virginia" has started to sell. This tobacco is such a unique blend. It's a blend of Virginia, Burley, Dark Air Cured, and Dark Fired Kentucky. Dark Air Cured is unique tobacco leaves. It's similar to Burley, however it has more nicotine and umami. It's used as a cigar binder, cigar wrapper, pipe tobacco, hand rolling tobacco and snus or snuff. Dark Air Cured is like black tobacco. Sometimes Sumatra leaves and Beski leaves are one of them.
Probably, Domingo black was a blend of, not only Kentucky and Burley, but also cigar leaves as Dark Air Cured to express black tobacco's character. So they changed its name to "Cigar Blend" to know its blend well.